Monday, December 19, 2011

Loudspeaker is An Innovation in Islam & its usage in prayer is HARAM.

Reh gayi rasm e Azaan, Rooh e Bilali na rahi,

Falsafa reh gaya, Talqin e Ghazali na rahi,

                                                                                                 Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1938)
                                                                                                   A Pakistani Scholar


Assalamu alaikum Brother

       I tried writing down this article regarding "The Usage of Loudspeaker in Salah" for a long time, but was unable to make some time for it. 
      Hamdulillah, Allah Willing I made to it and have completed writing it...

       Dear Brothers in Islam, by writing this article I don't mean to be judgmental towards any sect or group of Muslims here…Please.
       I just wanted to tell you about my understanding regarding the use of loudspeaker in prayer.  The only reason why I present this, is for you to research and think upon.

       After all it’s the Quality of prayer we perform which matters to Allah the most and not the Quantity.

 May Allah Guide us all. Ameen.


         As a lot is being said and written about Innovations and Bidah in Religion. I rarely came across any Sheikhs Who branded Use of Loudspeaker in Prayer as a form of Bidah. Every sects and divisions in Islam prays to and worships to Allah by the help of Loudspeakers. Small to Big, no mosque is considered complete without a loudspeaker in it.
    Five times daily prayers to juma'a prayer. No prayers in jamah goes without being performed by the help of a Loudspeaker. All of our preaching and praying is now dependent upon a Good quality, High Definition Loudspeaker.
        Other than its advantages, no one thinks of its Disadvantages before installing it in a mosque. Because we are too used to being happy followers than hard thinkers.
        The moment some authoritative and scholarly person in Islam indulge in an act of Bidah, everyone else follows behind, with a preconceived mindset, that the Scholar does everything right and never commits a mistake in his field of specialization.
        And then the race of blind following continues.

            Take for instance a Juma'a Congregation of a thousand Worshippers. All of them following the Imam by the help of loudspeaker amplifying his Takbirs. Everything goes fine and well in the first rakah until the sujud.
 Then all of a sudden the loudspeaker goes mute due to power shortage…..And no one after the third or forth line can hear the Imam giving his Takbirs. Everyone's foreheads remains stuck to the ground waiting for the Takbirs to be heard. Waiting to raise their heads from Sujud.
        What kind of scenario can you imagine at this point? When the sound of the Imam is nowhere to be heard.
How do you think will the muqtadis proceed with the rest of the Rakahs? 
       Only those few lines of people who stood near to Imam can hear his Takbirs and continue, where as those who are far from him will remain in sujud throughout the prayers. Some might even get impatient and raise their head to look around in confusion.
       Who do you think is responsible for this disturbance created?
         I believe it is because of our Interference with the established system of Prayer by following a Bidah newly added to it. While rejecting the Sunnah way of Praying in Jamah. It is we who are responsible for creating such a disturbance in Prayer and religion by means of Bidah by Loudspeaker.

           Such a scenario only reminds me of how far we've reached Adultering our religion by adding to it whatever we like and making it Impure as much as we can. Surely We cannot escape Allah's judgment for this…when Allah announces in his book..
                                                   ...The Religion of Allah is certainly pure. (Sura Zumar 39:3)


   Imam Maalik (May Allah have mercy on him) said:  “ Whoever innovates in Islam, considering his innovation to be "good" has in effect claimed that Muhammad(S.A.W) failed to complete the message.
 For Allah said: “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favours upon you.” Therefore that which was not a part of the religion on that day is not a part of it now.”
     Is there anything more clearer than this.
            And even after knowing this, We try to find excuses to indulge in Bidah in & out of our 'Salah',
As If our Prophet (S.A.W) didn’t know and didn't show us how to perform our prayers.

          Any Innovation that gets accepted into Islam is because they are considered to be Good deeds in Islam. Thinking that it will be a source of reward from Allah and coming closer to Him. Prophet (S.A.W) knew of all these in advance … so in numerous times in Hadith He warned us of such things…
        “The person who innovated something new in our religion which is not a part of our religion ,will be shunned and rejected .” (Bukhari)
        “I urge you to adhere to my way (Sunnah) and the way of the rightly-guided successors (al-khulafa’ al-raashidoon) who come after me. Hold fast to it and bite onto it with your teeth [i.e., cling firmly to it], and beware of newly-invented matters.” (Bukhari ,Muslim)

              No innovation is a Good Deed in Religion, even if it seems to be so. Innovation introduced are never Suspected nor Researched properly. Any tresspassing commited in regards to the shariah are often times turned a blind eye at or are overlooked.
“No people introduced an innovation into religion except that an equivalent sunnah is taken away from them” [Ad-Daarimee with saheh isnaad]
          Many Modern day muslims do not even know what a Mukabbir  is.  A sunnah which got cancelled due to the introduction of loudspeaker (A Bidah).
    If you argue by saying that… "If the loudspeaker is doing the mukabbirs job, what's wrong in using it?"
Then I will have to say that you have said that without giving much thought into the matter.
 It doesn't do the Mukabbirs job.  And that can be explained in many ways. One is when the Imam Rises from Rukhu Saying .."samiallahu liman hamidah" ..the mukabbirs job is to say …"Rabbana walakal hamd" not the .."samiallahu lim...."
.. But do you hear our loudspeakers saying "Rabbana walakal hamd"?

 If not then how is it doing the Mukabbirs  job?
 Have we not replaced a Sunnah with something new and foreign to Islam?
Following a Mukabbir after the Imam is the Sunnah way of praying in big congregation. Not a Loudspeaker.
Thats how Our Prophet (s.a.w) prayed and performed Hajj all his life.
         What bout the sunnah of Giving Azan From A higher Place outside the mosque. After the introduction of loudspeaker in the mosque, it became easier for all the muazzins to forget the sunnah and give azan from inside the mosque. Thus resulting in the Removal of yet another Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (S.A.W).

 To  give Azaan inside the Mosque is Makrooh.


The Prophet (Sallalahu alaihi wa salaam) also  said :
…Pray as you have seen me praying.. (Sahih Bukhari Book 1 Vol 1, Hadith 604)
          Did we see Him in Hadith or find any sign therein of His taking the help of anything outside prayer. Him taking the help of any other material objects to perform His  prayers or any of His prayers in Jamah.
        While the peaceful Flow of Action in  congregation Prayers  and its through Completion is  "totally dependent" on the Loudspeaker  nowadays.    I really want to know, "Are we really praying as we have seen Him Praying?"
        Think about It for a moment.


Using Of Loudspeaker In our Prayers Is another Kind of Bidah.
          Used Everywhere, just becoz everyone considers Loudspeaker  to be of something good, for which he receives reward from Allah and therefore doesn’t suspect it to be an Innovation.
          While using Loudspeaker, Muazzin Never turns his head to left and right as is the rule of Calling on Azan.
Prophet Never asked Us to give azan from inside the mosque. Nor did he advise us to give it from a low place at ground level.

          On His Last pilgrimage to Mecca, How do you think Prophet (S.A.W) performed his prayer in Congregation And completed the whole of the hajj ritual.  And how do you think , did he Give His Famous Last Sermon Infront of  One hundred & twenty four thousand(124000) sahabas who  are believed to have witnessed the sermon. Without the help of any material or medium to transfer or amplify his sounds.
            He never Used any Material Objects to amplify his sound for the big Congregation Nor did he ask Bilal (R.A) to take the help of any material objects for announcing of Azan.
            Oh, Yeah…I know some of you (my apology to the understanding readers, please) must be thinking by now that people at that time were super human and had the most blasting  and thundering voice which was enough to call a million worshippers to prayer.  And as you don’t have such abilities at this point in time, and thats why it justifies your deviant behavior of innovating in islam..... Right?
Do you know why our Prophet(S.A.W) was sent in the image of a Human Being? Just like us.
So that you won't have any such excuses  as a pretext for changing the deen.

Remember that Worship in every other religion is Materialistic in nature. They use all sorts of things like musical instrument, cymbals, piano, organs and Drums to worship their pagan gods.
    Now we Muslims are slowly following into their footsteps. Microphone, loudspeaker, Amplifier and  more recently we are seeing Dish Antenna and LCD Screen's in many of the mosques in developed muslim countries.

The Prophet (saas) said, "Surely you will follow the ways, of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit (i.e. inch by inch) so much so that even if they entered a hole of a lizard, you too would follow them,"


    As Our prophet was deciding on the mode of calling people to prayer. Out of all the proposed modes, those which were Materialistic in nature were rejected by our Prophet (S.A.W).
 The proposed mode of calling were…Blowing A horn, Ringing a bell, Kindling a fire, all of which were materialistic in nature.
Loudspeaker is a Material and it Runs On FIRE.
      And today we compete at making our azan as modern as automatic and robotic as possible. Egypt was the first to introduce Muazzinless azan ( Unified Prayer call) to its mosques in cairo, firing  about 45000 muazzins from its capital.
     And what about those Lazy Muazzins Who take a Azan Clock, sets the time for Fajr Azan and places it infront of the microphone, so that the clock does his job while he sleeps till The Iqamah.


             The Prophet (saas) said, "Surely you will follow the ways, of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit (i.e. inch by inch) so much so that even if they entered a hole of a lizard, you too would follow them,"
               We said, "O Allah's Messenger! Do you mean the Jews and the Christians?" He replied, "Whom else?" (Bukhari)

It’s a shame that we have made our religion a matter of play and joke nowadays.  Islam has become a test subject in our laboratory. Anybody  can "inject" anything to it at their will. No one realises how closely they are imitating the practices similar to those of the kuffars.

         If you talk a mushrik bout One God (Monotheism)…He will say .."Yea We too worship one God. Its just that we do so through Krishna, Buddah or Jesus."

         And nowadays the Muslims do exactly the same thing through loudspeaker. As krishna buddah or jesus stands between the worshipper and the God in the form of a statue.
      So does the Loudspeaker between the Allah and the Imam leading the Jamah. Even though the statue and the Loudspeaker are all Matter and Objects, the only difference is…loudspeaker doesn't have anything that resembles a Human being whereas the statues does.

People are so dependent on loudspeaker that if you Remove the loudspeaker, there won't be any Jamah.

Isn't it a sign of the End Times foretold by Our Prophet(S.A.W), that some Muslims will follow the example of Jews and Christians and imitate them blindly.


     Every mosques in Developed Muslim countries nowadays are installed with a DISH ANTENNA SATTELITE RECIEVERS, which receives and automatically plays the azan which is transmitted from one central mosque for the whole of the State.
Thus removing any need for Muezzins, one of the greatest Sunnah of our prophet (S.A.W).
    Seeing the progress and improvement made by an Arab Govt in the field of InnovatedIslam, everyone feels happy and prays for the long life of the sheikhs who first introduced this new Bidah.
     Each Jumah Masjids in that Arab country are also Installed with a large FLAT SCREEN TV. Khutba and instructions for the imam appears in it.
      Fullfilling Yet another endtime Prophechy by our Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)..about the nearing of the end of time narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (R.A.) when he inquired our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) about the signs of Qiyamah.

         One of the signs He said was….The Masjid will be decorated but, the hearts of people will be devoid of guidance.


Musical instruments will become popular (at-Tirmidhi)

Go to a church and look around its Stage. 

For a moment you will think that the stage is set for some Rock Band to come and perform on it anytime around.
 Now let's come to our mosque and look around it….
What do we see….?
Do these things have any religious connections to it.
 Do You Emotionally become and feel religious on hearing these names.
Are these not Musical Instruments?
Are these things not those instruments that are used by the entertainment industry heavily to entertain People?
Are these things not those instruments that are used by the Church Industry to entertain and make their false religion APPEAL to their masses?
Alas… Nowadays these UNHOLY AND IMPURE instruments are all over our holy places.
Musical Instruments are not only popular nowadays are but are an Important prerequisites to any Jamah prayer or in any Juma  Mosques.
These Items have become a holy objects and is an integral part of our Muslim Society.

Notice the Television in the above mosque...


Umar(RTA) said " Every Innovation is Misguidance, even if the people consider it to be good.
(Loudspeaker is an innovation, which is considered good by everyone who uses it)
 “Indeed every new thing is an innovation and every innovation is deviation and every deviation leads to fire” ( Sahih Jama Assabir)
And Loudspeaker Is Surely One Such Innovation which runs on fire (electricity is a form of fire) and will lead us all to fire.
Remember….Fire is from hell.  
Fire is what Satan is created from.
 Fire is something that disobeyed Allah.
Fire is impure.
And this fire is what helps us nowadays to worship Allah and perform our prayers.
Is not associating and taking help of anybody in the worship of one true God considered Shirk?
Is not taking help of fire to worship Allah a Shirk?
Was not the use of Fire proposed to our prophet (s.a.w) as one of the means to call for prayer?
Was it not rejected by Him?
Is not taking the help of anything outside prayer while praying considered haram, because of our utturence of Takbir-e-Tahrima?
Then how come We Muslims are so ignorant about this haram practice that has in filtered  into our prayers.


Sir Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1938) an Indian Muslim Scholar And A Great Poet so beautifully predicted in his poem bout the Coming of this Monsterous  FITNA. 
He Writes…                            
          "Reh gayi rasm e azaan, Rooh e Bilali na rahi,
            Falsafa reh gaya, Talqin e Ghazali na rahi,
            The ritual of Adhan remains, but its Bilali spirit is gone.
            We still have the philosophy, but the approach of Ghazali is long gone.


         Prayer by the help of any instruments or any material objects is decided by the Quran Hadith Izma and Qyas to be haram and unacceptable.  Any pious muslim who is concerned and is interested in furthering their research can email me for fatwas by scholars who are against the use of loudspeaker.

May Allah give us His Guidance and Noor to be able to see and understand fitnas that come our way to deviate us from Siratal Mustaqim shown to us by our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

 May Allah help us follow Our Prophet inch by inch every moment of our life and give us the ability to revive and uplift the Sunnah of our prophet (|S.A.W) as He is the best of the Creations and is the best of the Examples. Ameen.  


  1. Here is a post that disagree usage of loudspeaker in ibadaths, in response to a posting that agree to use vide

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Dear Wakar Akbar,

    Assalamu Alaikkum.

    I have read your posting on Loudspeaker sound, in which it is stated that it simply amplify only. If we have enough amplifiers and loudspeakers and also enough electricity we can spread a small voice to all over the world. Do you think that the entire voice belongs to a single human being. Amplified signal itself is an artificial one. The signal coming from a microphone will reach at the input of the amplifier. According to the wave form and frequency of this signal, the externally applied electricity will be converted in compliance with the input. This amplified signal only go to the loudspeaker subsequently an artificial sound is produced at this end. I shall reproduce the quoting in the website below. Kindly go through and respond to me thr’

    SYF response in this regard is:

    It is neither the echo nor the speaker’s actual voice. It is a scientific truth that the voice of a loudspeaker is a mechanical and artificial sound produced by utilising the externally applied electric current. That is why the terms ‘Tape Recorder’, ‘Loudspeaker’ etc. used,

    1. Tape Recorder.

    Tape recorder is not a device used to store and release the sound energy as per our requirement. When we light a torch, the charge of the battery will become down. And after the use of certain period, it will be completely discharged. To use again either the battery has to be replaced or recharged. Similarly if the sound emission from a Tape Recorder is due to storage of sound, after certain attempts/period there won’t be any sound with the Tape Recorder. But if there is no technical error, we will not feel any end to hear the sound from a Tape Recorder.

    From this it is understood that the Tape Recorder is used to produce ‘photocopies’ of the original sound. The only similarity is that the sound produced by a Tape Recorder will be in the same wave form and frequency of the original sound. Tape Recorder will only “RECORD” the wave form / frequency of the sound.

    2. Loudspeaker.

    If we have sufficient amplifiers and loudspeakers we can spread a small voice to all over the world. Do you think the entire sound belongs to a single person?

    We may enhance the volume of lime water by adding fresh water to it. But as the volume of fresh water increase, the taste and nature of the solution become differ. After a certain limit, the solution will feel as fresh water only. Similarly if the intensity of the voice produced before the microphone is enhanced by utilising the external electricity, after a certain limit there will not be any voice but full of noise only! From this it is understood that the loudspeaker is not an apparatus used to intensify the voice produced before the microphone but that produce an intensified artificial sound in compliance with the wave form and frequency of the original sound. Hence the term Loudspeaker. Meaning of speaker is ‘one who speaks’ and loudspeaker is “one who speaks loudly”.

    If anybody want the technical evidence to prove that the sound of
    loudspeaker is mechanical/artificial, please contact to

    Assistant Engineer,
    Industrial Engineering Department,
    Electronic Switching Division,
    Indian Telephone Industries Ltd
    (A Government of India Undertaking),
    PALAKKAD – 678 623, KERALA, INDIA.
    Ph. 0091 9447 467 667.
    E-mail :,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Alhamdullillah.
    I know about loudspeaker. and i try to prayer in mosque without loudspeaker. Alhamdulillah here in bangladesh, many of mosques are being without loudspeaker.
    i can say a very practical imformation about loudspeaker. when azan is given from mosques by using loudspeaker, specially in Fazar & Esha's prayers, our local dogs are crying very loudly.this is an important sign for all of us to think about that.but we the people always ignored it very,this is a sign, a clue for us.creation is always welcome in the world but not for the islamic ibadat.if we take it today tomorrow we will take robot for during our prayers.thats not islam.
    Allah please forgive us and give knowledge about loudspeaker. Allah is mercyful. Alhamdulillah, i am very happy to read this topic.

  4. 17: bani israeel 110
    Proclaim, “Pray calling (Him) Allah or calling (Him) the Most Gracious; whichever name you call with - they are all His magnificent names;

    and do not offer your prayers very loudly or very softly, and seek a way between them.”

  5. A hanafi Alim, Ahmed Sadiq Desai, of South Africa is of this view, you can contact him by emailing, his website;
